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Technology Support

Stay Informed

Poquoson City Public Schools utilizes several applications to keep you informed about your child's academic life.  

PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal provides you with current grades, attendance, and report cards while also providing a space for parents to complete annual required forms. 

Canvas Parent App allows parents to be observers to the day-to-day digital assignments students engage in for their classes. 

Below are resources to help you with creating and accessing your accounts for these two platforms! 

Student Device Problem?

Does your student have a broken Chromebook? Have your student take it to the school Library/Media Center to put in for a repair.

Need Help?

For assistance with student technology or with accounts, contact your building level ITRT or email


Alystra Barefoot/Pamela Robnett


Alystra Barefoot/Jennifer Cannella


Jennifer Cannella


Pamela Robnett

For more information visit the Technology page.