The Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports (VTSS) is a data-informed decision making framework for establishing the academic, behavioral and social-emotional supports needed for a school to be an effective learning environment for all students.
Tier 1 interventions are actions or programs that reflect global needs for improvement. These interventions are provided to all students with the intent of general improvement in a specific academic or socio-emotional skill.
Tier 2 interventions are more targeted towards specifically identified student groups who need intervention for a specific academic or socioemotional skill.
Tier 3 interventions are targeted to the needs of specific students with more significant needs to master an academic or socioemotional skill.
VTSS at Poquoson Primary School
Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible
Tier 1
- Bucket Fillers
- Morning Meetings
- Bullying Prevention assemblies and spirit week
- Counseling Encore Rotation
Tier 2
- Teacher intervention small groups
- Reading Intervention with specialist
- Bucket Filler Shoutouts
- Individual Behavior Support
- Social Skills Groups
Tier 3
- Check In/Check Out
- Individual Reward Systems
- Individualized Visual Supports
- Individual Counseling
- ACCESS Referral
VTSS at Poquoson Middle School
Respect, Responsibility, Resilience
Tier 1
- Golden Bull Tickets and Awards
- All In Program- School Wide Expectations
- All In Bull-tique
- Counselor Minute Meetings
- Interactive Notebooks
Tier 2
- Counseling Lunch Bunch Groups
- Language Live
- Academic Workshop
- Reading Workshop
- Math tutor/coach
- Remediation
- Enrichment/Acceleration Groups
- Afterschool Support
- Lunch Reteaching Table
Tier 3
- Restorative counseling
- ACCESS Referral
VTSS at Poquoson Elementary School
Respect, Responsibility, Resourcefulness
Tier 1
- Positive Office Referrals
- Morning Meetings
- Bull Bucks and Class Rewards
- Effective Classrooms Training for Teachers
- Bullying Prevention assemblies and spirit week
- Counseling Encore Rotation
Tier 2
- Teacher intervention small groups
- Reading Intervention with specialist
- Math Intervention with specialist
- Check In/Check Out
- Counselor Small Groups
Tier 3
- Check In/Check Out
- ACCESS Referral
VTSS at Poquoson High School
We are Respectful. We are Responsible. We are Accepting.
Tier 1
- Positive Postcards
Tier 2
- Small Group Instruction
- Remediation
- Language Live
- Afterschool Support
Tier 3
- Individualized Lessons
- Counselor Check Ins
- ACCESS Referral